The Zen Moment
Learn to find inner quiet when you need it most.
Using breathing, mindfulness, and creative doodling to restore yourself to a state of calm productivity, even when things around you are in an uproar.
Format: online workshop
Time length: 30 minutes
Best for: small to medium groups (4-30 people)
Materials required: pen and paper
Prerequisites: none
Cost: Contact Christa for pricing

Read My Mind and Draw This!
Building empathy and communication
In this fun and interactive drawing workshop, participants will work in small teams to give and follow instructions to complete a simple drawing. We will exercise our “mental muscles” to build skills in communication, clarity of expression, focus, listening, and empathy.

Taming Your Inner Critic
From adversary to mentor
In creating any thing, from a building-sized mural to painting a fingernail, at some point one will need to ask oneself,
“Is this looking the way I want it to?”
The voice that answers this question is the inner critic. It is a part of each of us, and it serves an important function. Its job is to help you to succeed.
Unfortunately, instead of a source of help, for many this inner voice has become a vicious attacker.
This workshop is designed to give you some tools to improve this relationship.
Format: online workshop
Time length: 30 minutes
Best for: small to medium groups (4-30 people)
Materials required: pen and paper
Prerequisites: none
Cost: Contact Christa for pricing

Dodgeball or Catch?
Making the most of feedback
Everyone likes to hear how great their work is. But as every professional knows, it is through hearing what we can do better that we make real strides in improving our work. This means that we have to deal with criticism.
In this workshop, we'll begin with a brief centering exercise. Then we'll cover methods and techniques for making the most of the feedback that comes your way, whether it's positive or negative. Regardless of how a critique is presented, we can always find ways to use it to learn and improve.
Format: online workshop
Time length: 30 minutes
Best for: small to medium groups (4-30 people)
Materials required: sticky notes and a marker
Prerequisites: an open mind, willingness to learn, and a sense of humor
Cost: Contact Christa for pricing